ROSS: Someone at work ate my sandwich!
CHANDLER: Well... and what did the police say?
ROSS: My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich! I can't believe someone ate it!
CHANDLER: It's just a sandwich!
ROSS: Just a sandwich? I'm 30 years old, I'm going to be divorced twice and I just got evicted! That sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life! Someone ate the only good thing going on my life!!
MONICA: I have enough stuff for one more sandwich. I was going to eat it myself, but...
ROSS: That would be incredible! Thank you so much! I still can't believe someone ate it!! I left a note!
CHANDLER: [reading the note] "Knock-knock." "Who's there?" "Ross Geller's lunch." "'Ross Geller's lunch' who?" "Ross Geller's lunch; please don't take me, ok?"
JOEY: I'm surprised you didn't go home wearing your lunch!
Ross is... well... Ross is "The Divorcing guy", he's been married three times, and so divorced three times too. First, she married a Lesbian, then he said the wrong name at the altar, and finally got drunk and married Rachel. We could say... he's the best. While generally sweet natured, he is often clumsy and socially awkward. Ross is sometimes shown to have a good sense of humor. He is the only member of the group of friends with a doctorate and, as such, can be arrogant. In most cases, however, his arrogance gets the best of him. In later seasons, Ross is also shown to be quite irritable, often breaking into angry outbursts over minor things (as we can see in the dialogue below Ross's picture).
His love life isn't as DOA as it seems. He's had a lot of girlfriends, but it never works out.
-Carol, how could he know she was a lesbian?
-Rachel, well, y'know... Rachel.
-Julie, the looks-like-a-chinese girl
-Bonnie, the bald girl
-a hot paleontologist woman
-the dirty girl... agh... hot but dirty.
-Emily, too obsesive and controlling
-Elizabeth, too young (and has a powefull father that can kick your ass)
-Charlie, the black woman that was before with Joey
and so many more... poor Ross, he does not find the perfect woman! He even tries a thing you shouldn't do...
ROSS [thinking]: She's your cousin. She's your cousin! If she knew what was going on in your head she'd think you were sick! Or would she? Let's back up a second. She was the one who suggested opening a bottle of wine. She was the one who turned down the lights. She was the one that wanted to rent Logan's Run, the sexiest movie ever. Oh, I know that look. Forget it. I want it. She wants it. I'm going in.
CASSIE: Hey! What the hell are you doing?
ROSS [thinking]: Say something clever! Okay, doesn't have to be clever, it just has to be words. Say some words. Any words will do. (awkward silence) Oh my God! This is the longest that anyone has not talked, ever! There is nothing you can say to make this worse! So just say something!
ROSS: I, uh... I haven't had sex in a very long time.
ROSS [thinking]: Yeah, you really shouldn't have said anything.
More Ross's scenes:
After his divorce from Carol Ross adopts a monkey named Marcel. Their relationship was similar to a live-in couple. Marcel's sexual drive eventually forces Ross to donate him to the zoo. That leaves him depressed, but he always has his F·RI·E·N·D·S around...
CHANDLER: Ross sometimes describes Chandler as his best friend. He is shown to have had some old memories such as a band with Chandler called "Way, No Way".
JOEY: Ross is also close friends with Joey and helps him with movie and stage auditions. He kisses Joey once when practicing to help Joey practice a role as a gay man. At one point, Ross tells Rachel that Joey is his best friend, to which Rachel replies, "I thought Chandler was your best friend?" Ross says that Chandler was his oldest friend but refuses to discuss the situation further.
PHOEBE: About Phoebe, Ross often came into conflict with her. His rationality and Phoebe's beliefs led to conflict over the theories of evolution, gravity, and whether or not Phoebe's dead mother was reincarnated as a cat. It was revealed that Phoebe once mugged Ross during her homeless years (stealing a copy of the comic book 'Science Boy' that Ross had created).
RACHEL: Ross has had a crush on Rachel since high school, although he joined a "I Hate Rachel Green" club.
MONICA: The two siblings are extremely competitive. Every Thanksgiving during their childhood they had taken part in a football match called "The Geller Cup". This family tradition ended in its sixth year, after Monica broke Ross' nose. In their childhood, Monica and Ross were also very violent with each other. For example they used to wrestle when they were younger.
Ross is a very sensitive person, he needs his friends, but also loves him a lot, we can see, in the "The ride along" episode, when Joey "saves" him from a bullet, he leaves himself a phone message that says: "Hey Ross, it's you! I just want you to remember this feeling. You are lucky to be alive! So live everyday to the fullest. Love yourself, okay? Okay. Oh, and also get stamps. Bye!"
Great guy! kind of weird, but... who is not?
ROSS: Look, I drew a sketch about how we're gonna do it. Okay, Rach, that's you. That's the couch.
RACHEL: Whoa, what's ... what's that?
ROSS: Oh, that's me.
RACHEL: Wow! You certainly think a lot of yourself.
ROSS: No! That's ... that's my arm.
CHANDLER: Oh, I see. I thought you just really, really liked your new couch.

And the "unagi" thing is... well... it describes Ross perfectly... check it out:
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