[Rachel is upset that Ross is telling her to hurry up.]
RACHEL: This isn't about the movie theater. This is about you stealing my wind.
ROSS: Excuse me... your wind?
RACHEL: How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?
[silence. Ross doesn't understand a word]
ROSS: You know, um... I don't have a... have a... problem with that.
Today we get ourselves emotional and talk about probably the main storyline of FRIENDS, we talk about Rachel and Ross.
Ross apparently had a crush on Rachel since ninth grade, and when Rachel moved to the city, Ross tried hinting that he would like a relationship with her, but other people were involved, like Rachel's ex-fiancé Barry and Paolo, a man she met during an electrical blackout. Anyway Rachel and Ross eventually got together, in "The One With the Prom Video", and dated for a year. Their year long relationship had many bumps in the road, like Ross getting jealous of Mark, a man who offered Rachel a job. However, after an argument on their anniversary about Rachel's constant working, she suggested taking "a break". Ross, thinking Rachel was ending the relationship, got drunk and slept with someone else. When Rachel found out, she ended things with Ross.
From then on, the two shared an on/off relationship. When Ross dated Phoebe's bald friend Bonnie, Rachel was clearly jealous when she saw that Bonnie now had long hair and convinced her to shave her head again. Ross asked Rachel why she did it and she admitted she still had feelings for him and found it hard seeing him with other women. While Ross broke up with Bonnie, Rachel wrote Ross a letter, asking him to take responsibility for their break-up.
ROSS: And for the record, it took two people to break this relationship!
RACHEL: Yeah! You and that girl from the copy place, which yesterday you took full responsibility for!
ROSS: I didn't know what I was taking responsibility for! I didn't finish the letter!
ROSS: I fell asleep!
RACHEL: You fell a-SLEEP?!
ROSS: It was five-thirty in the morning! And you had rambled on for eighteen pages! Front and back! [leaves the room, then turns around] And by the way, y-o-u-apostrophe-r-e is "you are". Y-o-u-r is "your"!
RACHEL: I can't believe I even thought of getting back together with you! We are soooo over!
ROSS: [fakes beginning of sniveling and interrupts it saying...] FINE BY ME!
RACHEL: And those little spelling tips will come in handy when you're home on Saturday nights playing scrabble with Monica!
RACHEL: Sorry! But I feel bad about all that sleep you'll miss wishing you were with me!
ROSS: Oh, no, don't worry about me "falling asleep". I still have your letter!
Rachel's history of admitting her feelings for Ross when he is with another woman happened again when Ross met Emily. Ross and Emily got engaged after a month and plan to marry in London. Rachel doesn't go, claiming she has to work but later tells Monica and Phoebe that watching them marry would be too painful. However, she changes her mind and flies to London to tell Ross that she loves him but sees them kissing just before the ceremony. She gives them her blessing instead, resulting in Ross using the wrong name at the altar. Obviously the marriage ends there. Later, on a trip to Las Vegas, Rachel and Ross get married after getting drunk together. They divorce as the marriage can't be annulled, due to false information in the paperwork and their previous relationship. Consequently, they must file for divorce, and when Rachel signs the papers, she admits that it was her idea to get married. Rachel and Ross had a baby at the end of Season 8, named Emma. She was conceived after a one-night stand during Season 7. Although Ross wanted to get married, they stayed friends and lived together to raise Emma.
Ross finds out Rachel's pregnant:
In Season 10, Rachel is offered a job in Paris. At her going-away party, she says goodbye to everyone except Ross and they have a fight and Ross is upset about how Rachel wants things to end between them. Rachel tells him that she can't say goodbye because if she thinks about leaving, then she'll want to stay because Ross is so important to her. After the fight, they sleep together. In the morning, Ross thinks they are back together and is stunned when Rachel says "it was the perfect way to say goodbye," leaving Ross devastated and hurt. He chases her to the airport and tells Rachel that he still loves her. Rachel gets on the plane anyway, shocked and unable to deal with his feelings for her. Ross goes home, heartbroken, to find a message from Rachel on his answering machine telling him that she loves him too.
ROSS: Oh my god. Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane?
RACHEL: [coming into the room] I got off the plane.
ROSS: You got off the plane.
RACHEL: I do love you.
ROSS: I love you, too, and I am never letting you go again.
RACHEL: Okay, because this is where I want to be. Okay, no more of this, I don't wanna mess this up again.
ROSS: Me either, okay, we are done being stupid.
RACHEL: It's you and me, all right, this is it? You and me, this is it.
ROSS: This is it. Unless we're on a break.
[awkward pause]
ROSS: [to himself] Don't make jokes now...
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