Ok ladies and gentleman, today we are going to recall the hilarious episode when Chandler and Joey compete against Rachel and Monica in a game prepared by Ross, to see which team knows more about the other... and to get the loser's apartment.
All began with a little argument about the guys knowing a lot of stuff about the girls.
Joey: (to Monica) I’m right!
Monica: That is sooo not true!
Rachel: What?
Joey: She’s mad because I know today’s her laundry day and that means she’s wearing her old lady underpants.
Chandler: I can check that for ya.
Monica: I just—I can’t believe that you think that you and Chandler know me and Rachel better than we know you.
Chandler: Well… we-we do. You can only eat Tic Tacks in even numbers.
Joey: Yeah, what’s that about?
Chandler: (to Rachel) And you… Ross, I believe, if you check Rachel’s bag you will find a half-eaten box of cookies in there.
Ross: (He does so, and finds a half-eaten box of cookies.) You’re good. (Tries a cookie.) These are not.
Rachel: I’m so not impressed. Everybody snacks when they shop.
Monica: Yeah.
Joey: Oh yeah? Ross, how many items left in that bag?
Ross: Five.
Chandler: Okay, ten bucks says that we can name every item in that bag.
Rachel: How many guesses do you get?
Joey: Six.
Ross: Challenge extended.
Monica: Deal!
Ross: Challenge excepted.
Joey: All right, we’ll start with…apples.
Ross: We’ll be starting with apples.
Chandler: (to Ross) Stop that now!
(Ross reveals a bag of apples.)
Chandler: Yes!
Joey: Okay. Uhh, tortilla chips, yogurt.
Chandler: Diet soda.
Ross: Yes. Yes. Yes. (They’re perfect so far.)
Chandler: Orange juice.
Rachel: No! There’s no orange juice in there! We win!!
Monica: Ha-ha!
Ross: They have another guess.
Rachel: Okay, well, we won that one.
Joey: Okay, the last thing…
Chandler: Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh! (Whispers something in Joey’s ear.)
Joey: No-no, not for like another two weeks.
Chandler: I got it! Scotch… tape. (They’re right.)
Ross: How did you know she would buy scotch tape?
Chandler: Well, we used there’s up last night making scary faces.
Monica: Aww, man!
Chandler: All right! Ten buck! Fork it over! Cough it up! Pay the piper! Gimme it.
Monica: That does not mean you know us better, I-I want a rematch.
Rachel: Yeah, and none of these stupid grocery questions, real personal questions.
(and Ross prepares the test. Each team will answer ten questions. The first team that answers the most questions wins. Okay, the categories are, Fears and Pet Peeves, Ancient History, Literature, and It’s All Relative. )
Ross: Gentlemen, pick your category.
Chandler: Fears and Pet Peeves.
Ross: What is Monica’s biggest pet peeve?
Joey: Animals dressed as humans.
Ross: That’s correct. Ladies?
Monica: Same category?
Ross: According to Chandler, what phenomenon scares the bejeezus out of him?
Monica: Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance!
Ross: That is correct.
Joey: (to Chandler) The Irish gig guy?!
Chandler: His legs flail about as if independent of his body!
Ross: Gentlemen, you’re pick.
Joey: It’s All Relative.
Ross: Monica and I have a grandmother who died, you both went to her funeral, name that grandmother!
Joey: (to Chandler) Nana?
Chandler: She has a real name.
Joey: (answering the question) Althea!
Chandler: Althea?! What are you doing?!
Joey: I took a shot.
Chandler: Are you sure it was Althea?!
Ross: Althea is correct.
Chandler: Nice shooting!
(Ross motions for the girls to pick.)
Rachel: We’ll take Literature!!
Ross: Every week, the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey’s apartment. What name appears on the address label?
Rachel: Chandler gets it! It’s Chandler Bing!
Monica: No!!
Ross: I’m afraid the TV Guide comes to Chinandolor Bong.
Monica: I knew that! Rachel! Use you’re head!
Chandler: Actually, it’s Miss Chinandolor Bong.
Ross: All right, the score is nine to eight in favor of the guys. Ladies if you miss this the game is theirs, pick your category.
Rachel: (shouting) It’s All Relative!!
Ross: You don’t have to shout everything.
Rachel: (shouting) I’m sorry!
Ross: Ooh. What is the name of Chandler’s father’s Las Vegas all-male burlesque?
Monica: Viva Las Gaygas!
Chandler: Unfortunately that is correct.
The Girls: Yes!!
Ross: All right, we have a tie. Luckily, I have prepared for such an event. (He opens up an envelope and holds up some note cards.) The Lightning Round!
All: Ohhhh.
Ross: Thirty seconds, all the questions you can answer.
Ross: You have 30 seconds. And the lightning round begins now. What was Monica’s nickname when she was a field hockey goalie?
Joey: Big fat goalie.
Ross: Correct. Rachel claims this is her favorite movie…
Chandler: Dangerous Liaisons.
Ross: Correct. Her actual favorite movie is...
Joey: Weekend at Bernie’s.
Ross: Correct. In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14?
Chandler: Oh! (Whispers something in Joey’s ear and then in Ross’s ear.)
Ross: Eww! No!! Her ear! All right, Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?
(They both confer.)
Joey: Everyday use.
Chandler: Fancy.
Joey: Guest.
Chandler: Fancy guest.
Ross: Two seconds…
Joey: Uhh, 11!
Ross: 11, unbelievable 11 is correct. (The guys celebrate.) All right, that’s 4 for the guys. Ladies, you’re up.
Rachel: All right!
Monica: Come on!
Ross: 30 seconds on the clock. 5 questions wins the game. The lightning round begins…now! What is Joey’s favorite food?
Monica: Sandwiches!
Ross: Correct. Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl’s breast?
Rachel: 14?
Ross: No, 19.
Chandler: Thanks man.
Ross: Joey, had an imaginary childhood friend. His name was?
Monica: Maurice.
Ross: Correct, his profession was?
Rachel: Space cowboy!
Ross: Correct! What is Chandler Bing’s job?
(The girls are stumped)
Rachel: Oh gosh, it has something to do with numbers.
Monica: And processing.
Rachel: He carries a briefcase.
Ross: 10 seconds, you need this or you lose the game.
Monica: It’s umm, it has something to do with transponding.
Rachel: Oh-oh-oh, he’s a transponce... transpondster!
Monica: That’s not even a word! I can get this! I can get this!
(Ross stops the clock, signifying the end of the lightning round.)
Monica: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
And that's how, for a while, the guys take Monica's aparment. Then Monica and Rachel will force them to leave it, but, anyway, it was clear who knew more things about the other.
Here's the video, check it out.
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