Don't you think there's something between those two? Look, here we have some clues:
1-When Phoebe was a surrogate mother for her brother's triplets and suddenly craved meat, Joey offered to eat no meat until the babies were born, to compensate for her consumption and, in a way, preserve her vegetarianism (no extra animals would have to be killed).
2-When Phoebe was upset because she'd turned thirty-one without having had the perfect kiss, Joey kissed her so that she could cross that off of her list.
3-Interestingly, Joey did share romantic feelings for Phoebe. Joey thinks Monica is hot and Rachel too, and is shown flipping for them at several instances. Joey dates Phoebe's twin sister Ursula, which upsets Phoebe. According to Joey, "Phoebe is Phoebe, Ursula is Hot".
4-When Monica finds out that Joey "sees a friend in a different way", she assumes it to be Phoebe. Phoebe, overwhelmed by the news, approaches Joey, only to find that it is Rachel for 'heaven sakes'.
5-Phoebe has Joey locked in as a backup for her marriage.
6-When the Friends believe that the group may have to split up, Phoebe and Rachel conspire to form a separate group by themselves, but Phoebe insists that Joey be invited to their new group as well.
7-Phoebe's loyalty is proved again when she states that she could live in Las Vegas, since it has everything she needs, "Including Joey!". He in turn invites her to live with him in the mansion he expected to own when he becomes rich from having a hand twin.
8-Phoebe also once says, "When the Revolution comes, I will have to destroy you all." After a moment's pause, she adds with a smile, "Not you, Joey".
PHOEBE: I lost a whole year! I can’t believe it! This is so unfair!
JOEY: Oh, I don’t know Pheebs. It’ll be okay.
PHOEBE: Will it? Will it?! I mean, how would you feel if you found out you were 31?
JOEY: That’s not gonna happen. No. (Looks up) Because we have a new deal!
PHOEBE: Plus, it totally ruined my schedule! I…I haven’t done any of the things I wanted to do by the time I was 31!
JOEY: Like what?
PHOEBE: Like okay I-I-I, I haven’t met any Portuguese people! I, I haven’t had the perfect kiss! And I haven’t been to sniper’s school!
MONICA: Phoebe, y’know why don’t we just go upstairs and have some birthday cake?
PHOEBE: No, I just feel like being by myself for a while. All right? I’ll see you guys later. Thanks. (Gets up and exits.)
RACHEL: Hey. (After she leaves.) Oh, poor Pheebs.
JOEY: Hey, y’know what you guys? I think I’m gonna go walk her home. (Gets up and runs out.)
MONICA: Oh man!
MONICA: He’s gonna eat the cake!
[Cut outside, Joey is catching up with Phoebe.]
JOEY: Pheebs! Wait up! (She stops.) Listen uh, close your eyes. (She does so and Joey passionately kisses her.) Maybe that’s one thing you can cross off your list.
PHOEBE: Oh yeah.
(Joey starts to walk away, but stops.)
JOEY: Oh, and plus I’m 1/16th Portuguese.
PHOEBE: Oh! (Phoebe walks away smiling.)
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